4 Tips for Landscaping Your Backyard on a Budget

Creating a beautiful backyard does not have to empty your bank account. While it can be easy to spend thousands of dollars on landscaping a backyard if the funds are available, there are a number of things that you can do with a small budget to transform a drab space into something amazing. Use the following tips to make a drastic impact in your backyard when you don't have a ton of money to spend:

Plant Grass from Seed

A dirt backyard is not a fun place to spend your time in. Sod is great for an instant lawn, but the expenses associated with purchasing it and having it installed can be high. With a little bit of time, effort, and a small financial investment, you can have a beautiful lawn grown from seed. One of the keys to growing a lawn from seed is choosing the right type of grass, so talk to a gardening expert in your area to learn more about what types of grass are best suited for your climate. A lawn grown from seed will need a lot of water, so if you do not have an in-ground sprinkler system be prepared to water it yourself often.

Update Your Concrete Patio

Many homes have a plain slab concrete patio in the backyard that was installed by the builder when the house was built. A drab grey patio is utilitarian, but it is not much to look at. You can totally change the look of your concrete patio by staining it a different color, and this is a DIY project that typically does not cost a lot of money. Concrete stain can be purchased at most home improvement stores, and it is not difficult to apply. But don't stop at just applying the stain- if you want your hard work to last and continue to look good, it is important to use a concrete sealer as well. Do not apply the concrete sealer until the stain is completely dry and has had time to set. You can buy the concrete sealer online.

Create a Container Garden

If you are not able to build a garden bed, a container garden is the next best thing. All you need is some colorful pots, soil, and seeds or plants. Container gardens can hold beautiful flowering plants to add visual interest to the yard, or you can utilize your container garden to grow fresh fruits and vegetables.

Add a Fountain to Your Yard

The sound of running water is very soothing for many people, and a fountain can become a beautiful focal point of your yard. There are several ways that you can build a fountain yourself using inexpensive materials, or you can by a fountain at a landscaping center or home improvement store without blowing your budget. 
